The #1 fan app on the planet

Your favorites,
your feed

Follow only your favorite athletes, musicians, teams, leagues and celebs. Up your fan game and never miss a beat!

Your favorites, your feed layer 1

Join other fans in dedicated fanrooms

Create polls, post articles, comment on the latest news and engage with like-minded fans. Are you a big fan? Go on, show it.

Your favorites, your feed layer 1

View Events &
Purchase tickets

Keep up-to-date with what's next and what's coming. Then secure your tickets, all at the touch of a button.

Your favorites, your feed layer 1

Prove you're the #1 fan

Get competitive with other fans. Engage and stay active to be crowned your favorite's #1 fan and reach superfan status.

Your favorites, your feed layer 1

Whether it's sports, music or entertainment— it all starts with the fan.

Whether it’s sport, music or entertainment— it all starts with the fan*.

We've put everything into making the fan experience everything. Building a next-level platform for fans to connect with their favorites. One that brings fans together in passionate, like-minded communities.

In new ways.
In better ways.
In all the ways that
should be possible.

Got questions?

We‘ve got answers

Fandelo is the #1 fan app on the planet – giving fans everything they want, all in one place. News, video, events, tickets, audio, scores, socials, as well as dedicated fanrooms built for fans to connect and engage.

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One place.
Are you ready?